Today, Snail Games announced a special update for its free-to-play game Age of Wushu. The new chapter will introduce four advanced flying skills as well as a new instance and weapon. It also redesigns the Apprentice system and adds the ability to build a home near the sea.

The new flying skills are modeled after real-world birds — the hawk, swallow, crane, and eagle. Each offers players something unique. The hawk skill allows players to leap into the air after a charging period. The swallow skill gives players an air-borne dash. The crane skill allows for gliding. Finally, the eagle skill gives players a burst of speed allowing them to descend to the ground in no time.

As for the reworked apprentice system, players will be able to progress through training with a teacher, testing their skills and earning rewards along the way.

Unfortunately, we don’t know the exact release date for this update. But, we’re sure Snail will let everyone know soon enough.